"Berikan sepenuh kasih sayang kepada ibu bapa,
kerana meraka adalah pemegang tali penghujung nyawa ketika kamu meningkat dewasa,
kasih mereka terhadap anak adalah kasih dari titisan air mata dan titik peluh yang tak mungkin terbalas .."
Sesungguhnya muslim itu bersaudara
Monday, December 19, 2011
Cinta ALLAH?
Memang senang nak ckp cari cinta ALLAH, tapi nak ke arah itu, memang sangat memerlukan mujahadah..even ak sendiri pun masih sedang berusaha ke arah itu,memang kadang2 kite akan terlupa,terleka,terlalai dalam mengigati ALLAH..tapi, cepat2 kene ingatkan diri yang sebenrnya kt hidup kat dunia nie pinjaman semata-mata..sUmernya milik ALLAH, x de pun milik kite..tapikan betullah dengan mengingati ALLAH, hati2 akan menjadi tenang kan..
Akhir kata, marilah sama2 kita memperbaiki diri kita yang lemah nie untuk menuju cinta ALLAH..doalah bebanyak semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan menuju REDHANYA...
Friday, December 9, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Hijrah Itu IndaH
Jam 8.00 malam,
Auditorium Juretera ,
Hijarah itu Indah......
Oleh, Ustaz Nazrul Izwa, Ustaz Mohd Syaari, dan Sham KAMIKAZE
proram nie berbentuk forum, best sangat dapat dengar daripada orang yang ilmunya penuh didada, orang yang hatinya penuh dengan tawadhunya pada pencipta, orang yang disandarkan hidup ban matinya hanya pada Allah..Kite??...masih jauh....
Waktu program nak mula, nampak seorang pakcik ngan makcik nie pun masuk audi..mule2nye heran,tapi, baru tau yang tue adlh parents pd sham, waktu parents die masuk, tetibe rasa sayu sgt sebab penantian mereka untuk nak lihat anknya berubah adalah realiti walaupun Allah bagi hidayah pada anaknya pada usia yang senja...teringat pulak pd my sis, mungkin kami perlu berdoa untuknya untuk berubah walaupun berapa tahun lamanya, don't under estimate the power of doa..tue lah kata sham, dimana, beliau sangat bersyukur kerane Allah bg hidayah kepadanya dan berkat usaha ibunya yang mendoakan beliau untuk berubah kearah kebaikan dn meniggalkan perkara yang lagha..
Ustaz Nazrul kate, sekarang nie pegangan aqidah ummat islam sgt2 lah lemah, kalo kene angin sikit dah bergoyang..terutamanya di kalangan pemuda-pemudi kite la nie..betullah kate ustaz tue..so, kte yang masih mude nie, rajin-rajinkanlah diri dengan bende2 yang bermanfaat, banyakkan hadir ke kuliah2 ilmu,jauhkan bende2 yg lagha..ajak orng lain ke arah kebaikan..
Dan sebenarnye kalo ALLAH nak angkat darjat seseorang itu, DIA akan jadikan org itu lebih baik daripada orng lain..macam saidina umar, dimana pada zaman jahiliahnya, beliau telah membunuh anak perempuannya, tetapi bila ALLAH bagi hidayah kepada Umar,beliau menjadi seorang yang lebih baik dan sehinggakan beliau menangis dan sering mengatakan semua orang akan ke syurga kecuali seorang dan kubimbangi seorang itu adalah aku..Subhanallah...kite??...
Renung2kanlah..dan semoga Allah menerima segala amalan kite dan diberikan kesempatan untuk berhijrah..
benarlah kata Ustaz Syaari " hijrah itu berterusan sehingga pintu taubat itu tertutup, pintu taubat akan tertutup bilamana matahari terbit disebelah barat"...
Trimas pada tokoh2 diatas, semoga Allah memudahkan jalan kita semua menuju MARDHATILLAH..^^
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Pagophagia is a condition where one craves to chew or consume ice. This behavior is harmless in itself, except for one’s teeth, of course, but it may be caused by something else in one’s body.
If you know a child or a pregnant woman who is consuming ice on a regular basis, know that this is not just a strange and quirky habit. It could be just that, of course, but it may also be a sign that they have iron deficiency anemia. This abnormal consumption of ice is a condition called Pagophagia, which is a more specific form of the eating disorder called Pica, which causes people to crave non-food items. The condition itself does not pose a threat to one’s health, but the underlying cause of it may be a cause for concern. Here are more information about this seemingly unusual behavior.
Causes of Pagophagia
This form of pica is caused by severe iron deficiency in the body. It is severe enough to cause anemia. Even in a nearly severe state, iron deficiency can still cause the development of pagophagia. This means that whatever causes iron deficiency can also lead to an intense craving for chewing or consuming ice. These causes include a diet that consists mostly of vegetables and fruits, old age and hemorrhaging. When one loses blood, it may take a lot of iron from the body, so this condition is common among women who are menstruating.
There are instances when the cause is not hematological in nature. Pagophagia can also be caused by other biochemical, cultural and psychological factors. For instance, a child who is raised to chew on ice for one reason or another can take this behavior to their older years whether they are suffering from iron deficiency or not.
Symptoms of Pagophagia
For pagophagia that is caused by iron deficiency, it can be accompanied by fatigue in patients. They may suffer from being tired easily from performing regular tasks, especially those that require a lot of effort physically. Since iron is required by a lot of proteins, this condition can come with extreme weakness and the inability to do hard labor.
Other than weakness and fatigue, there are no other serious symptoms of pagophagia. There are not even serious effects of consuming a lot of ice except for the fact that chewing a lot of it may cause some sort of damage to one’s teeth if they do it on a very regular basis.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Pagophagia
Treatment of this condition simply requires iron supplements to defeat the effects of iron deficiency. If one is not sure whether their craving for ice is behavioral in nature or if it is caused by iron deficiency, they could simply have a blood test done to see the levels of iron in their body. If it is determined by the doctor that one has iron deficiency that is causing the pagophagia condition and one needs to take iron supplements, they can also take Vitamin C supplements. This will make iron absorption of the body better. Again, chewing a lot of ice may seem more strange than dangerous, but it could simply mean that there is something wrong with one’s body that needs to be checked out.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Rentetan TaRbIYYAH..
Bila agaknya kita akan Tawadhu' ??
"LA TAHZAN,Sesungguhnya Allah bersama kamu "
‘’Jaganlah kamu bersikap lemah, dan janganlah (pula) kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamulah orang-orang yang paling tinggi (darjatnya), jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman.’’ (surah Ali Imran : 139 )